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Trees are vital carbon sinks

Trees Play an Even More Important Role in Fighting Climate Change than Previously Thought

31st December 2022, Tips

It was recently revealed that trees in the UK are locking away twice as much carbon as originally thought. A study, using lasers and 3D scanning, showed that old trees in particular were critical to fighting climate change as they act as vital ‘carbon sinks’.

winter tree care

How to Care for Your Trees in Winter

30th November 2022, Tips

Winter is almost here, which means it’s time to start preparing your garden for the plummeting temperatures and harsh weather conditions. Here’s what you should be doing to protect and care for your trees this winter.

Box blight causes straw like leaves

What is Box Blight and What Can I do About it?

31st October 2022, Tips

If your box hedge has started to turn brown and the stems have begun to die back, chances are it’s suffering from box blight. Here we share all you need to know about this fungal disease that affects box plants, including how to keep the problem under control and restore your hedges to the lush green they once were.

Low maintenance trees

4 Easy Maintenance Trees to Brighten Your Garden

30th September 2022, Tips

If you’re thinking about planting trees in your garden, but the thought of having to put in all that effort, care and attention is putting you off, worry not, because there are plenty of options when it comes to easy maintenance trees. Let’s take a look at the best species to add interest to your garden, without you having to put in too much time and effort.

False autumn

False Autumn – Why Leaves are Falling from Trees in August

31st August 2022, Tips

Autumn is still a way off yet, but there is a definite crunch underfoot and an auburn glow as trees across the UK are already shedding their leaves. The phenomenon follows the recent prolonged dry spell, forcing trees into survival mode and sparking what’s known as a ‘false autumn’.

Tree Surveys and Reports

What is a Tree Survey and Why Do I Need One?

31st July 2022, Tips

A tree survey is a type of report that’s carried out on private or public land. The aim of the survey is to provide useful information on the trees, so that informed decisions can be made. Here’s how they work, any why you might need one.

How trees prevent noise pollution

How Trees Prevent Noise Pollution

30th June 2022, Tips

The impact of noise pollution has been linked to all sorts of health related issues, including cardiac disease. And noise pollution doesn’t just affect humans. It can also negatively impact upon plants and wildlife too. But there is a natural way to reduce the effects of noise in our environment, and that’s with the use of trees.

Tree roots and property damage

Tree Roots and Property Damage: All You Need to Know

31st May 2022, Tips

Contrary to popular belief, the majority of trees growing near buildings cause no damage. However, structural damage and subsidence can be associated with tree roots. But if you can understand what it is about trees that can affect buildings, then you will be better informed and know when it’s time to bring in professional help to deal with your trees.

Nut trees guide

A Guide to Growing Your Own Nuts

30th April 2022, Tips

Lots of people plant fruit trees to enjoy the natural, healthy rewards. But have you ever thought about growing your own nuts? Whilst many nut trees tend to grow into large specimens that require a fair amount of space, there are some dwarf varieties that are more manageable. Fancy cultivating your own nuts to enjoy at Christmas? Read on for our ultimate guide.

Tree care

What Type of Tree Pruning Do I Need?

31st March 2022, Tips

There are various types of tree pruning, and what you need is going to depend on what’s best for your individual tree, where it’s located, and what you are trying to achieve. Here we explain the different types of tree pruning, and provide advice on which is the best type of pruning to use in different situations.

Storm damaged trees

How to Check Your Trees After a Storm and Why it’s Essential

28th February 2022, Tips

If you were lucky enough to see your trees remain intact following the recent storms, you probably feel a sense of relief. But are your trees safe? Loose branches, or weaknesses in parts of the tree, could be hazards in waiting. Here’s how to identify whether you have a problem.

Tree maintenance

4 Reasons Why Regular Tree Maintenance is Vital

31st January 2022, Tips

Regular tree maintenance is important. Vital, in fact. Of course, as tree surgeons, we are going to say that. So here to back up our statement are four good reasons why you can’t ignore the fact that your trees need to be properly looked after on a regular basis.

Tree Preservation Order

A Guide to Protecting Trees Using a Tree Preservation Order

31st December 2021, Advice

Trees play a vital role. That’s why it is essential they are given the protection they deserve. Whilst campaigners are doing a stellar job in protecting the UK’s trees, it’s important that everyone helps by doing their own personal bit. One way we can do that is by protecting and saving the trees in our local areas. Here’s how.

Ancient trees

A Guide to Ancient Trees

29th November 2021, Advice

Steeped in history, ancient trees are irreplaceable, gracing our landscapes for hundreds of years and providing vital habitats for wildlife and contributing to environmental sustainability. Here we look at how to identify ancient trees, why they are so important, and how to protect them.

Privacy hedging

How to Achieve the Perfect Privacy Hedging

31st October 2021, Tips

One of the best ways to create privacy at home is with the use of privacy hedging. Read for advice on choosing the best type of hedging for your needs, as well as important considerations when planning a garden hedge.


Biodiversity: Why it’s so Important, and the Role of Trees

29th September 2021, Tips

Biodiversity is crucial to many aspects of our lives, the human race is dependent upon it. Here’s how trees play a vital role in supporting a diverse range of species.

Algae, moss and lichen on trees

All You Need to Know About Algae, Lichen and Moss on Trees

25th August 2021, Tips

Algae, lichens and moss often form green or grey, powdery growths on the stems, branches and trunks of trees. While this can be a worry, these growths are harmless, although it is good to know why they are appearing.

How trees prevent climate change

How Planting Trees can Help Fight Climate Change

29th July 2021, Tips

The global climate emergency we are experiencing is seriously threatening our planet. But there is, thankfully, a straightforward solution. A natural way to fight climate change. And that is by planting trees.

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