When Is The Best Time To Prune A Cherry Blossom Tree
Spring for younger trees and mid summer for established ones.
So when is the best time to prune a cherry blossom tree? Well preferably in the spring for younger trees and mid summer for established ones. Although we routinely prune cherry blossom trees year round it is spring/summer that would be the better time to prune such trees.
The difference between the right time and the wrong time is not a lot !. Things like silver leaf disease are more prevalent in the winter, due to the fungal spores and damp conditions.
As sap rises in the trees during the warm spring months it can also aid in virul transmission, whereas in winter the sap will be frozen, so not exactly clean cut.
A very important point for a tree surgeon is to make sure the chainsaws are cleaned between jobs, this really helps prevent easy transmission of any viruses or pathogens that could be present.
Symptoms Of Silver Leaf Disease
Silver leaf is a fungal disease of the wood and leaves of some trees, especially plums,apples,cherries and apricots. The fungus infects the wood through wounds and causes a silvering of the leaves followed by death of the branch.
What is the best way to prune a cherry blossom tree?
At T.H Tree services we advise pruning to British standards BS3998. This is the recommended ways of pruning for all trees. It is not always possible to prunes to these standards due to customer requirements. We will always advise on the best methods of pruning for your cherry blossom trees.
It is strongly advised not to use unqualified tree cutters as most will not know how to correctly prune a cherry blossom tree. It takes years of experience and professional training to provide the best care for your trees.
T.H Tree Services provide free quotes for tree pruning across Essex. we will always provide genuine advice (opinion only).
What not to do when pruning a cherry blossom tree !.
You should only ever use qualified tree professionals to work on your cherry trees as they will be correctly insured and competently trained to carry out such work. You should never over prune a tree unless the circumstances absolutely demand it. Over pruning can shorten the trees lifespan and reduce its ability to heal. It can allow viruses and pathogens to enter the tree more easily.
Only professional tree surgeons know when, where and how to prune your precious cherry blossom trees, your average D.I.Y tree cutters wont provide anything less than a butchering of your beloved trees.
For a free quote to prune your cherry blossom tree, call T.H Tree Services now on 01268 642814.
I can thoroughly recommend TH Trees. Their professionalism and communication has always been paramount. The jobs undertaken carried out to my satisfaction. Above and beyond.
Thank you Jo for your kind review, it's always a pleasure to be of assistance with your trees.